Why choose us for System Automations?
You’ll probably hire us for lead generation or optimizing your website. What happens after we scale your business from the improvements we make there? System Automations…the next step in improving operating bandwidth at scale
- Connect website to CRM system
- Automate sales outreach processes
- Integrate revenue action data back to ad platforms
The sooner you start with us, the sooner you start improving your ROI of all ad dollars spent
Our Working Process
We perform a full audit of your current marketing to understand the history and performance context, then review to align with your teams.
Develop a plan from analysis of media, website, systems that aligns with your companies goals and needs.
Begin plan implementation with project management team, analyze performance through implementation, review regularly with your teams.
Performance Analysis
We start with a plan, and typically that plan holds true, but we’re constantly monitoring performance to identify adjustments needed.
CRM Integrations
Leads stuck in an inbox are colder than the other side of the pillow. Help your teams keep your leads hot by centralizing where all of your leads go instantly. We go steps further and also make sure we’re collecting the right data on leads to support data-driven algorithms in how we bid on media.
Outreach Automation
Rate of contact is directly proportional to speed to contact. So you need to have the proper workflows setup to handle outreach automatically, regardless of who on your team is available at the time a lead is received.

Attribution Feedback Loops
Not all leads are created equal! ‘Lead scoring’ is also incredibly out-dated. Utilize advancements in ad platforms by returning values for leads to guide algorithms to show ads to higher value prospects in real-time.
System Integration & Automation
Well structured/managed media campaigns & optimized landing pages are the front of the house to profitable digital marketing performance. Back of the house is what happens AFTER a user contacts or requests to contact and how well systems integrate to handle will determine the variability. Our pet peeve is inefficiency so we actively look to minimize it everywhere.
Hire Flywheel for your System Automations
Start generating sales profitably without question